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The World’s Tallest Dog – Zeus

Zeus, measuring 44 inches (111.8 cm) Great Dane from foot to withers has been officially titled as a World’s Tallest Dog ever by Guinness World Records 2013. Zeus weighs 155 pounds and eats a 30 pound (14 Kilogram) bag of food every two weeks. Three years old Zeus from Otsego, Michigan in the United States exhibits surprising height of 7 feet 4 inches (2.2 meters) when he standing on his hind legs.

(Click on the images for a larger view)

Zeus serves himself some water from the tap Zeus measures 44 inches from paw to withers, with his owner Denise

world's tallest dog Zeus  Zeus stands over the Doorlag's with another dog

Zeus’s owner Denise Doorlag from Michigan said most people often asked that “Hey do you have a saddle for that horse?” or “Is that a dog or is that a pony?” and she added further it’s fun to see people’s reactions, especially little kids that they think that he really is a horse. Also she said that their family was grateful by their pet’s place in the Guinness Book of World Records, launched on September 13, 2012.

Zeus standing on his legs with his owner Kevin

Zeus broke the previous Guinness World’s Record held by another Great Dane named Giant George, with one inch. George measured as 43 inches (110 cm) from foot to withers. Nova, a Great Dane, who's 2 feet, 11.51 inches tall (35.51 inches from paw to shoulder), is recorded as the world's tallest female dog, according to Guinness World Records.

Those two previous world’s records were also posted by us in Incrediblez.You can check them below as well.

                                          More about Giant George                                      More about Nova
Giant George, earlier record holder Nova, tallest female dog

1:53 AM | 12 comments | Read More

Female with the Longest Fingernails - Chris “The Dutchess” Walton

The 45 year old rock singer from Las Vegas namely as Chris “The Dutchess” Walton holds the 2012 Guinness World Records for having 19 feet, 9 inches long of nails on both hands. Long measure 10 feet 2 inches on her left hand and 9 feet 7 inches on her right hand. She stopped cutting her nails 19 years ago and carefully manicured them to reach a total length.

Fingernails of 19 feet 9 inches long

There’s no doubt that we all have a same question to ask from her, how she can do her day to day work with these long fingernails. Chris gave a nice reply for this question when in an interview with New York Daily news. She said “It’s kind of like a body part I was born with and now I don’t know what I would do without them”.


Also she claims that that the nails do not create an inconvenience and that she can cook, clean, drive and wash with ease with 5 children at home. She even text using her knuckles and even play the piano and use the computer with the nails. The only problem she has encountered is that she has to adjust her clothing to get her nails. Further she said that she didn't grow her nails deliberately to set a Guinness record because she liked the way nails looked the day she stopped cutting her nails and let they just kept growing. She lost a nail once, when fixing her car engine on the freeway, and otherwise has no trouble leading a normal life.

Chris Walton playing Piano

Chris Walton Using Laptop

The previous female record holder for the longest nails was Lee Redmond of Salt Lake City. Her nails measured a combined total 28 feet in 2008 but she lost her nails in a car crash in 2009.

Melvin Booth, an American consider as a male owner of the world's longest fingernails with 29 feet, 8 inches long fingernails. He passed away in 2009.

Longest fingernail holding Man and Woman together

8:31 PM | 3 comments | Read More