It is an art of manual removing the surface of a leaf. In this process the artists remove without cutting of veins. It is a very complicated and difficult work to produce some animations on the leaf. This art derived from china. The artists of china make different, nice and delightful pictures by using this wonderful art. Mostly they use leaf of a Chinar tree because that leaf is bigger in size then others and also have a good shape. 18 more images after the break...
You can make this leaf by using a complete process like the leaf blade forms a permanent pigment. After that, use an anti aging treatment which helps the leaves in durability. After the complete process the leaf looks strong, natural and wondrous, and also use for great gift for your love ones.
You can make this leaf by using a complete process like the leaf blade forms a permanent pigment. After that, use an anti aging treatment which helps the leaves in durability. After the complete process the leaf looks strong, natural and wondrous, and also use for great gift for your love ones.

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